måndag 25 oktober 2010

My utopia........or?

We all have thoughts of what would make the best community.. We all have a utopia, and I want to believe that all of them are individual at some point. None can be exactly the same as another one.

I have an utopia,I wont elaborate it that much, but I´ll write some of it. First of all we have to take care of the most important question, YES, we should be allowed to download music/films, you name it. There´s no point to make it illegal. Music preformers will not lose that much on downloading, since THE BEST ONES does a lot of conserts and gain a lot of economy on that. Those that are losing on downloading are the record studios. But who needs them.. Imagine all the people sharing all the world, if we could create a brotherhood of man (quoted John Lennon´s song, Imagine) and accept that record studios are not as needed as it used to be. Most celeberites nowadays in the music industry are recognized because of the Internet and the illegal downloading. Films.. There are film fans, that´ll always think that people needs to support each others and buy DVD:s etc. and watch the films at the cinema. This is where the music company will get their money, from cinemas.

But! There are some companies that we have to support, and that it´s the game industry. They are the most important companies there is. Games last a lot longer than a movie, they have music in them, so.. They are all-in-one. Please support them, those that work there have families too and they are much cooler than everyone else out ther (yes, those at the music records  got families too, but less cool)...

Wow. I just lost the feeling for writing more of my utopia.. But.. POWER TO THE PEOPLE! DEMOCRACY! BROTHERHOOD! EQUALITY BETWEEN SEXES AND PEOPLE IN GENERAL! etc. etc.

Awesome, awesome...

Let´s drop this subject and move on.. I lost the feeling as I mentioned before.. but.. Equality between sexes.. Personally I think that people has to be equal, A person is a person, a human is a human. We all got an induvidual mind and because of that we should all share the same prerequisites for stuffs, work for example. What makes the man more superior to a woman? It makes no sense. Why is it the mans responsibility to work and feed the family? And why should the woman take care of the children? Personally, when I have my own children.. I want to spend as much time with them as my spouse does.

BUT, there are some common facts to why women are better in the kitchen than men. First of all, their feet, they are usually much smaller than a mans, and this is obviously because the woman have to stand closer to the stove. Men also tend to have a longer back, which means they have a longer spine which usually leads back problems. And leaning over the stove does not help this.. So a hard-working man has to rest when he gets back from work. I can see that..
Common facts.. All persons have their opinions and gotta have their own judgements.

And that´s all for me.. Wow, a lot of weird stuff as usual.. Nothing makes sense..


söndag 24 oktober 2010

They say that you have to face the reality

What is the reality..? How can we know for sure that our reality, is the reality that we think it is? Perhaps we're a sleeping giant of sort, who dreams this and that all the dreams from other giants are connected. Perhaps this is a huge program with some scientist pulling the strings.
There's a famous philosopher, if I can recall it correctly, I think it was Aristoteles. He said that our world is a reflection of another world, and that we rediscover everything that this "other" world has already discovered... For example, the computer.. It's a technology that has already been discovered in the other world and our world was suppose to discover it later on, it's like this world is a replica who recieves schematics from the "original" world..

Hopefully, you can understand what I just wrote, for I certainly got no idea of what I wrote about..
But to more serious stuffs.. My REAL world of warcraft account has been hacked. Really, really fun... I do wonder though why the guy continues to play on it... He even paid for another month, which is strange in my opinion...

If I'm lucky he's been a retard and haven't deleted anything and just given me a profit.. But I'm really sceptical..And I think it's about time to stop writing here for the moment, and start writing on a email to Blizzard and tell them whats happened.


torsdag 21 oktober 2010

What to do..

There are some things I can't undestand with the people that's walking around me.. How can they study all the time? I've done two exams this week and I'm fried.. My brain is fried and I'm still quite young.. I mean.. COME ON! Gimme a break... - This leads to a new question.. Are these.. "people" really allowed free to roam around in the city and dwell at bars during evenings..? No, no they are not.. They study to much and makes the rest of us look bad. WE, the ones that hate to study, but can feel the preassure that others do..

Ah, complain of the day - Check

Now to the rest.. My sources, a reader, said yesterday night through a mail that she thought my layout of this blog was depressing.and that it made her depressed. How the fuck am I to respond to that..? ONE reader want's to me to change the layout because she gets DEPRESSED?! COME ON! I've done my job, gimme  a break. A made a person depressed by reading all the other crap I write with no sense at all... I don't even know why I do it...

All of you should listen to Graumanns Playlista - because it's the best spotify playlist there is. You wonder why, I all I can say is.. Listen to it.. Embrace the feelings.. And you will never ever know what genre I like in the music world.

No more stuffs to write about.. so...

Do you guys like mythology? Perhaps the mythology from ancient Greece? Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Afrodite? Cool Gods, cool gods. Most of them looked like humans, but they made mankind less cool. We got no special abilites.. Why can't we hold a lightning bolt and throw it? Nope, we're getting fried. Fried by a lightning bolt.. Ah, nice destiny..

Hey, I can perhaps create a story around this.. A dude getting a toast from Zeus, but not any toast. A toast that's toasted by a lightning.. How cool ain't that? I already know the main characters name.. His name's gonna be... Emanon. Almost sounds like HE-man in the beggining..

Do you guys like comics? No? I can't say that I dont like em', I just don't read em'. But hell. I love heroes, doesn't matter if their from Marvel or DC (marvel got cooler heroes though). Spider-man swinging from building to building.. Superman breaks the barrier of sound when he flies..  Batman got a cool belt and Sandman got sant.. Awesome


onsdag 20 oktober 2010

Been a while since I last updated..

As the headlines says, it's been a while since I last wrote here.. And because it's quite late here in SWEDEN, yes now you all know where I'm from, I won't care about spelling/grammar errors which will occur anyways.

Most of you have probably heard of a program called "Spotify", the music program that most of you should be familiar with. Well, I gotta say that I've been some what addicted to it, and I've turned out to be a better person since I started to use it. Why? Because I stopped downloading music, instead I can put my valueble time on something else. Yes, it's illegal to download (at least here in sweden it's illegal.. but not in Egypt.. Perhaps that's a future place to live in... Deserts and a language I won't understand during this lifetime.. It might be worth it.) and what can we do about it? Nothing, it's rather depressing.

Now there's a special girl you should know about, I wont tell write her name here, but I will think if while write this. That should be satisfying enough. She is quite a cozy and charming "gal" who likes to make pies.. But her speciality is barbecued anteater with a bit of vanillia sauce on top of that. It's also garnished with chickens and ciggars. A very delicious dish, especially if you use the right spices such as; talcum powder (yes the powder you got on a babys ass), and peppar. NOTE: this must be BEFORE you put it over the fire (and yes, brackets once again.. It must be an open fire)..

That's the recipe of the mysterious "gal"


tisdag 12 oktober 2010

The Conqueror over the antenna to my brothers TV

What an awesome story! I managed to break my brothers antenna to his TV.. And what did I do? I fixed it.. And thereby, I've earned the title of Conqueror..It was an awesome feat, which no one has ever done before.. Maybe it's not as badass as Julius Caesar who conquered during the gallic war, but hey! It's close!

Ah, gotta love these brief moments.. Over and ouuut..!


Ah, my computer is dying.. Great stuff, or is it? :'(

I think that the day is about to come.. The day when I have to say good bye. My computer, it wont last much longer.. I think that it's a pretty bad sign when it takes 30 minutes to start it, and about 10 min for the Antivirus program becomes active. And when that is active, it's free to start Skype, MSN, Mozilla Firefox.. YES! I do wonder what the hell I should do with it.. Either repair/upgrade itt, nor reform it from, but if I do the latter, it's gonna be a pain in the ass since I will have to stick around with Windows XP and not Windows 7. Let's say I've lost the CD for Windows 7, depressing..

Ah.. What to write what to write.. This section, where you write whatever you want to contribute with from you life, is rather dull.. It makes me wanna stop writing and do something else instead. And hey, guess what..! That's what I'm gonna do.!


P.S. Listen to Be Yourself - Audioslave and Imagine - John Lennon!

Angels always look out for each others, and mankind. Hopefully..

måndag 11 oktober 2010

Première, my first (lies) english blog

Alright here goes. I have nothing, nothing at all to write about. So I guess that I'll have to write crap that no one else cares about.. But hey! I just realized.. That wouldn't make this blog special.. Now I have to think, great..

So.. Disney.. Great stuff.. *rolling thumbs*..

Premiére of my blog! YES! Come on! Science, Physics.. Great fun, or is it? Maybe it's just an illusion that people who enjoy this, actually doesn't like it, because some super brilliant dude has said that it's interesting and important. We all know who this dude is. And it's Albert Einstein, this genius is a genius! He managed to great a façade that so many chose to follow.. Hell maybe we should start  a religion where Einstein is the center of everything. If people believe in aliens, then why wouldn't they believe in Einstein?

So Disney, we all enjoy it, we all love the music. Why? Because it's magical.. When you were just a small kid, watching the VHS versions of The Beauty and the Beast, or (my favorite) The Lion King.. and you sat there, watching the epic story and you saw the character act to the music in the background.. Ah, it makes me wanna return to that age. When you had no worries and everything was Hakuna matata! But you have to live in the reality, which is quite depressing, because time-travel.. Wouldn't that be cool invention..? Maybe a future career, I can already see the headlines of the papers "the first inventor of the time machine", or perhaps "the man without limits, not even time can stop him!"
The question is now though.. Would I uset his to change the past or look how my potential future might look like. Or perhaps I should sell this and earn millions..? Who knows, the human mind is tricky. People you thought you knew might backstab you when you least suspect.

I'm running out of ideas, a small devil and a "angel" is sitting in my headphones and speaking nonsense, guess what? Yeah, physics.. That's it.


Introduktion, den bästa religionen.

Det finns många människor som tror på mannen som kallas för Gud, och ja, det är en man. Ingen privatperson som känner för att vara allsmäktig. Nej vi snackar om THE G-MAN, mannen som fann frid strax innan ”Big Bang”. Vi alla vet ju att jorden fanns innan Big Bang, inte så att det bara ploppa fram ur tomma intet. Gud fann frid, that’s it.
Alla dessa människor som tror på högre makter är i en viss religion, vilket jag tycker är tjurskit. I princip kan du skapa en egen jävla religion genom att ”ha tro” och att finna något att klaga på. Men ni ska alla veta att det bara finns en religion som är den rätta. Det är inte Kristendomen, det ska ni verkligen ha klart för er. Nej, den rätta religionen är The Religion. Den kallas så för att det är den religion som är lite av allt. Den är allt bra i alla religioner, och allt ologiskt och kasst som de största religionerna besitter har de infört och gjort religionen  allmänt awesome.
Precis som de flesta religioner så har även The Religion också en helig skrift, den är noggrant antecknat på en bit dasspapper. Där finns de heliga budorden, som självklart står på Engelska, dels för att jag inte kan något annat större språk, och för att det är en religion som finns runtom i hela världen.
De tolv Budorden:
There is only one God, and his name have to be spelled with a capital G.
If God walked among us, we would not be here. Because if he did, that would mean that he had found inner peace.
All other religions are crap, and are not worth looking at, because this is THE RELIGION.
There are 1337 miracles that has ever occured on this planet. Three of those has been seen by the human eye.
Thou shall have minor contact with your neighbour, unless they are very good friends or such.
Thou shall love the person you care for.
Thou shall hate the person you hate.
Thou shall enjoy the time among the living
Thou shall believe in Heaven and Hell
Thou have to believe in everything this religion says, or you will burn in the black flames of the underworld
Thou shall love this religion and visit a church atleast one time during your lifetime. It’s not necessary to be there in the name of God, just to be there.
Thou have to own Spotify to be a member of the religion, or else you wont be able to hear the messiahs awesome song tips.

Härmed har jag beslutat att ändra bloggspråk till Engelska (min förra var på svenska, men jag glömde kontonamn och lösenord). Jag vill nå ut till en bredare läsarkrets!!!
