måndag 11 oktober 2010

Première, my first (lies) english blog

Alright here goes. I have nothing, nothing at all to write about. So I guess that I'll have to write crap that no one else cares about.. But hey! I just realized.. That wouldn't make this blog special.. Now I have to think, great..

So.. Disney.. Great stuff.. *rolling thumbs*..

Premiére of my blog! YES! Come on! Science, Physics.. Great fun, or is it? Maybe it's just an illusion that people who enjoy this, actually doesn't like it, because some super brilliant dude has said that it's interesting and important. We all know who this dude is. And it's Albert Einstein, this genius is a genius! He managed to great a façade that so many chose to follow.. Hell maybe we should start  a religion where Einstein is the center of everything. If people believe in aliens, then why wouldn't they believe in Einstein?

So Disney, we all enjoy it, we all love the music. Why? Because it's magical.. When you were just a small kid, watching the VHS versions of The Beauty and the Beast, or (my favorite) The Lion King.. and you sat there, watching the epic story and you saw the character act to the music in the background.. Ah, it makes me wanna return to that age. When you had no worries and everything was Hakuna matata! But you have to live in the reality, which is quite depressing, because time-travel.. Wouldn't that be cool invention..? Maybe a future career, I can already see the headlines of the papers "the first inventor of the time machine", or perhaps "the man without limits, not even time can stop him!"
The question is now though.. Would I uset his to change the past or look how my potential future might look like. Or perhaps I should sell this and earn millions..? Who knows, the human mind is tricky. People you thought you knew might backstab you when you least suspect.

I'm running out of ideas, a small devil and a "angel" is sitting in my headphones and speaking nonsense, guess what? Yeah, physics.. That's it.


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