söndag 24 oktober 2010

They say that you have to face the reality

What is the reality..? How can we know for sure that our reality, is the reality that we think it is? Perhaps we're a sleeping giant of sort, who dreams this and that all the dreams from other giants are connected. Perhaps this is a huge program with some scientist pulling the strings.
There's a famous philosopher, if I can recall it correctly, I think it was Aristoteles. He said that our world is a reflection of another world, and that we rediscover everything that this "other" world has already discovered... For example, the computer.. It's a technology that has already been discovered in the other world and our world was suppose to discover it later on, it's like this world is a replica who recieves schematics from the "original" world..

Hopefully, you can understand what I just wrote, for I certainly got no idea of what I wrote about..
But to more serious stuffs.. My REAL world of warcraft account has been hacked. Really, really fun... I do wonder though why the guy continues to play on it... He even paid for another month, which is strange in my opinion...

If I'm lucky he's been a retard and haven't deleted anything and just given me a profit.. But I'm really sceptical..And I think it's about time to stop writing here for the moment, and start writing on a email to Blizzard and tell them whats happened.


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