måndag 25 oktober 2010

My utopia........or?

We all have thoughts of what would make the best community.. We all have a utopia, and I want to believe that all of them are individual at some point. None can be exactly the same as another one.

I have an utopia,I wont elaborate it that much, but I´ll write some of it. First of all we have to take care of the most important question, YES, we should be allowed to download music/films, you name it. There´s no point to make it illegal. Music preformers will not lose that much on downloading, since THE BEST ONES does a lot of conserts and gain a lot of economy on that. Those that are losing on downloading are the record studios. But who needs them.. Imagine all the people sharing all the world, if we could create a brotherhood of man (quoted John Lennon´s song, Imagine) and accept that record studios are not as needed as it used to be. Most celeberites nowadays in the music industry are recognized because of the Internet and the illegal downloading. Films.. There are film fans, that´ll always think that people needs to support each others and buy DVD:s etc. and watch the films at the cinema. This is where the music company will get their money, from cinemas.

But! There are some companies that we have to support, and that it´s the game industry. They are the most important companies there is. Games last a lot longer than a movie, they have music in them, so.. They are all-in-one. Please support them, those that work there have families too and they are much cooler than everyone else out ther (yes, those at the music records  got families too, but less cool)...

Wow. I just lost the feeling for writing more of my utopia.. But.. POWER TO THE PEOPLE! DEMOCRACY! BROTHERHOOD! EQUALITY BETWEEN SEXES AND PEOPLE IN GENERAL! etc. etc.

Awesome, awesome...

Let´s drop this subject and move on.. I lost the feeling as I mentioned before.. but.. Equality between sexes.. Personally I think that people has to be equal, A person is a person, a human is a human. We all got an induvidual mind and because of that we should all share the same prerequisites for stuffs, work for example. What makes the man more superior to a woman? It makes no sense. Why is it the mans responsibility to work and feed the family? And why should the woman take care of the children? Personally, when I have my own children.. I want to spend as much time with them as my spouse does.

BUT, there are some common facts to why women are better in the kitchen than men. First of all, their feet, they are usually much smaller than a mans, and this is obviously because the woman have to stand closer to the stove. Men also tend to have a longer back, which means they have a longer spine which usually leads back problems. And leaning over the stove does not help this.. So a hard-working man has to rest when he gets back from work. I can see that..
Common facts.. All persons have their opinions and gotta have their own judgements.

And that´s all for me.. Wow, a lot of weird stuff as usual.. Nothing makes sense..


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